Thursday, July 19, 2007


I finished the book "Stray" once I started I read it in about a day and a half. It was really good.

I cleaned house while I read. I have a system that works for me. I set a timer every ten min. I clean and every ten min. I read or do what ever. I know it sounds weird , but it works for me. I really needed to clean house before Travis came home. He has been gone 2 weeks with a cleaning lady once a day. He will not come back to that.

I have not been up to the school yet this summer, I really don't even want to think about it. I do however need to go order Boog's uniform. He totally out grew his from last year. He might have some shorts to start out but he needs shirts desperately. I am all for uniforms. You lay out a weeks worth of uniforms, they cannot argue what they want to wear that's what the have to wear. Wash them on the weekend and then start all over.

I am glad Travis finally comes home tomorrow. It seems like he has been gone forever. I do think my kids are tired of me. They just do not want to do stuff. I try to get them to do little work sheets and they just go through the motions. I think they do it just to make me happy.

I guess I better put the little cherubs to bed.

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